Dr. David Asp, Clinical Psychologist with specialization in
sports performance will speak on the topic of…
“Being a Winner at the Starting Line:The Mental Factors in Running “
at the Lake City Public Library Community Room
Lake City MN on Thursday, July 17th, 2014 at 6:30 PM
Dr. Asp has 35 years’ experience as a practicing clinical psychologist with specialization in sports performance enhancement. He is a member of the Association for Applied Sports Psychology and over the past 30 years as worked with individual athletes and high school/college teams of various sports for performance enhancement.
His personal sports achievements include; participation in 15 marathons and numerous half marathons, 10K’s and 5K’s. He has also challenged himself by participating in 3 Ironman triathlons, 10 Half Ironman triathlons and 26 cross country ski marathons
Dr. Asp’s invitation to speak in Lake City was made by the Walking Lake Pepin committee. You do not have to be a participant in The Walking Lake Pepin fitness challenge to attend. Everyone is welcome. Question contact Patty Svien 345-4383