Janet Malotky, local “birding” enthusiast, joined the walkers and talked to the group about how to get started bird watching. She shared the basics of the what, where and how of bird watching including use of binoculars, computer apps available to help identify birds seen and organizations that offer quided bird walks.
The handout Janet prepared for the group walk is available on the WLP Facebook page and website; walkinglakepepin.com
Frontenac State Park offers scheduled guided bird walks. Check the webpage, bit.ly/spa-events for upcoming quided walks at the park. The next one is scheduled for Saturday June 24.
Next Wednesday, June 28, the WLP group will meet and park at Schleicher’s Funeral home parking lot off Hwy 61 and walk to the Lakeview Military encampment near the Lake City Sportsman’s Club on South Oak Street.
Andru Peters, who has written a history of the Camp Lakeview National Guard Training Camp will talk to the WLP group about the history of this encampment that was located in Lake City from 1818 to 1931. All community members are invited to attend whether or not you have signed up for WLP.
Wednesday, July 5th, there will be no group walk due to the 4th of July holiday. July 12th the group walk will explore The Jewel and the history of the nursery in the early 20th century. Call Patty Svien, 345-4383 with questions. Continue to watch for Walking Lake Pepin updates in the LC Graphic, on Facebook and on the website; walkinglakepepin.com