In a June 9 news release from the Mayo Clinic it was recommended to pay attention to the air quality alerts in your area and heed the warning.
Wild fire smoke contains respiratory irritants of which the most dangerous are the ultrafine particles that can be inhaled deep into the lungs.
To avoid exposure recommendations include; closing windows, staying inside, using the air condition to filter the air, staying hydrated and taking medication for lung function as prescribed.
A standard dusk mask is not adequate to filter the wild fire air. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends using an N95 mask as used with COVID 19, as it may offer some protection.
There will no be WLP group walk on July 5. The next group walk will be on Wednesday July 12 through a part of the historic Jewel Nursery site. This a walk that is done each year with WLP as there is a rich history to share about this once thriving nursery in Lake City. Former employees of the Jewel Nursery will join the WLP group and share their stories.
WLP participants and all community members are invited to the group walk on July 12. The group will meet at Underwood Park on 10th Street at 6:30 pm at the shelter near the parking lot,
It is hoped that air quality issues will not be a factor on July 12. Updates and announcement of cancellation can be found on Facebook (Walking Lake Pepin). Questions call Patty Svien 345-4383.