Prior to the walk, the group was asked what the “The Jewel” is? Some newcomers to the area thought it was a golf course and a housing development. They were unaware that the “The Jewel” was a nursery long before the golfers showed up.
Founded in 1868 by Phineas Jewel and Joseph Underwood, Jewel Nurseries started with 10 acres and grew to be 1,500 acres. Jewel Nurseries operated for more than 125 years.
The Jewel Nursery was at one time the largest nursery in the United States and employed 200 people at this zenith. The nursery raised trees, shrubs and other greenery for sale to retailers and landscapers.
Jim Schreck. a Lake City resident who was raised in Lake City, was able to tell the group how the nursery provided jobs for kids and adults in town. Jim worked at the nursery from the age of 10 through high school and into his college years.
He remarked that any kid in town who wanted to work for 35 cents an hour could earn enough money to buy a bike at the local hardware store before summer’s end.
After the walk the group cooled off inside of First Lutheran Church and heard a short report about the church’s 150th anniversary being celebrated this year.
The next group walk on Wednesday, August 7th will be start at the home of Paul and Wanda Myers. The group will meet at the Myer home at 1092 Pine Grove Lane at 6:30. The walkers will hike along a path that Paul grooms along Miller Creek. Everyone is welcome to attend.